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Tatara's Kagune is a Bikaku type kagune. In the manga Tokyo Ghoul:re, Tatara is a Chinese pyrokinetic ghoul. The kakuja stage is an edit from a Chinese dragon, enlarging the player's body by a huge margin that would be covered by an armor as well as the added ability to unleash fire. Tatara was one of the Aogiri Tree's leaders and a close subordinate to Eto, the One-Eyed Owl.


  • It is the only kakuja that has pyrokinesis skills.
  • In the manga, the emissions from his kakuja's highly concentrated Rc Cells ignite, producing flames exceeding 4,000 degrees Celsius, as noted by Akira Mado.
  • At Christmas 2018, Tatara's Kakuja wore a Santa hat.


There are 2 stages to Tatara.

Stage 1

This stage sprouts a thick tentacle-like tail which is quite similar to Nishiki's stage 2 kagune.

Keybind Description GIF
Click You jab your target with your bikaku tail. N/A
E You whip your kagune tail around and swipe at targets in front of you. Every enemy caught in this move is thrown away. N/A
R You lunge your kagune outwards as in a pull movement and attract players caught in the move near you. N/A
F You run your kagune through your target, penetrating him/her, then proceeding to lift your enemy up and slam him/her to the ground. N/A

Stage 2

This stage is an incomplete kakuja, but it is quite good in PVP as it has an area attack skill and all of it's skills can make other players ignite. You become larger while it is active, a kakuhou armor covers your entire body, a triangular flame launcher appears on your head and two large, elongated hammers germinate from your back.

  • Requirements : 7,500,000 (7,5M) RC Cells/Level 1000 or Higher
Keybinds Description GIF
Click You utilize your two large arms in the kakuja form to punch at your target. N/A
E You unleash a flurry of fire which creates an area of effect (AoE), damaging targets that stay inside. Any targets caught on fire with the release of the flames catch on fire, taking damage over time for 6 seconds. N/A
R You bring your two kakuja arms together and create a huge ring of fire around you that catches any users on fire caught in it and passing in/out of the ring, dealing damage over time for 6 seconds if your target catches fire. N/A
F You teleport over a certain distance to grab a target. If a target is grabbed, you ignite your enemy on fire, dealing damage over time for 10 seconds. N/A
C You ignite yourself on fire. Opponents who come near you gets damaged until they get away. You are still able to move, run, dash and use your moves while activating this skill, but you are unable to regenerate your health if you are hurt until you deactivate this move. N/A

For strategies about this kagune, click here.
